Utilizing Online Activism

3 min readMar 7, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Online activism uses platforms online to stand up against injustice and fight for what we believe in. This relates to digital leadership because as we stand up against injustice, we are making small impacts one at a time, and it not only affects us but those who are unable to speak up for themselves. I think that there is a ton of change that we can achieve from being behind our keyboards. Online, we can do research and learn about important topics and also connect with others who also believe in similar things that we believe in. Making those connections can teach others to stand up for what they believe in, and when everyone comes together, it can make a significant impact. Change can start with the internet, and talking about these important topics can also bring it into the face-to-face interactions where everyone can meet and make action plans on what they want to do to address the issues. I believe that the internet holds a lot of power for positive change. I say this because, with the internet, we can meet people, spread the news about something that has happened, and raise even more awareness. There is so much that we can do with the internet.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

We can use digital tools to make a difference in our community and world by raising awareness of any topic we feel is essential and should be discussed more often. Everyone expresses their feelings through different outlets and platforms and in different ways. Some examples of this can be through poetry, art, music, books, etc. By doing this, we both highlight what we do best and what we are passionate about. This also widens the spectrum of activism, and we can raise awareness within the community that we are in. For example, if someone wants to raise awareness through their art, those in the art community will be some of the first to see, and they can also help spread awareness. We can also pass that onto others who may not have known about some of the issues and learn. Digital tools allow us to learn and teach, and this can also be passed on from one to another. Eventually, if we all push to learn and educate one another, we can make an even more significant impact in making changes.

One case example of online activism has to do with the recent cases of attacks against the Asian community due to COVID-19. Many hashtags such as #asianlivesmatter and #stopasianhate were trending on social media because there was no news coverage on the attacks. The Asian community was targeted, and this resulted in the deaths and injuries of many Asian elders. In this case example, this issue was brought to light because many people used social media to inform others, unaware of what occurred. I am starting to see this being reported in some news outlets but not a lot. I hope that as we move into the future, more and more people will shed light on issues and continue to use the internet because that is also where a lot of people are. Topics like these must be highlighted because, especially with COVID-19, no one should be targeted just because of their race. Instead, everyone should take precautions and take care of themselves.

